Engineering Director API Getting Started

Engineering Director API Getting Started

REST API Getting Started

Engineering Director hosts a REST API for fetching data related to raster maps, vector maps, and data structures we process. The API is a standard OAuth-style JSON API for fetching and retrieving data.
For inquiries into the API contact or Tom Hayden (


You should get an API token from via email. When interacting with our API, include that token in a standard Authorization: Bearer header. For example: the below curl example should work
  1. curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer b84863c0c04f11ec87ebd393b5df61fe"

Error Messages

Error messages will be in a standard format and will come with specific HTTP error codes. For example:
  1. curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer BADKEY"
  2. {
  3.   "error": "Invalid API Key"
  4. }
For details on status/error codes, please see documentation on HTTP status codes.

JSON Responses & Other Headers

The EDI API should accept most headers but will ignore unnecessary ones. It is not necessary to include a Content-Type or Accept header. The API will return a Content-Type: application/json regardless of the Accept or Content-Type header requests.

Test Endpoint

We have a simple endpoint which if you send a GET request to (/partner/test) it will return an HTTP 200 with a JSON payload with timestamp information.
  1. curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer b84863c0c04f11ec87ebd393b5df61fe"
  2. {
  3.   "partner": {
  4.     "id": "8a656bf2-a381-4c23-9ad3-853139da5437", 
  5.     "name": "TestCustomer"
  6.   }, 
  7.   "request_id": "13dd3a2e-c6ef-4887-8f7d-02f24a6ed69b", 
  8.   "timestamp": "2022-04-19T22:13:12.337075"
  9. }

API Sandbox

We don't run an API sandbox. If you need a separate API key for integration tests or other implementation testing, please contact our support.

API List

We have several APIs, each documented on their own page in our knowledge base. Please work from the list below.
  1. Maps API Documentation
  2. ISO9223 API Documentation
  3. Sensor API Documentation